Sunday, February 23, 2014

Virtual Drive Creator

Version: 3.0.2
Category: Programming|Other Programming Files
Developer: TedCo Software
Size: 13 Mb
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Virtual Drive CreatorVirtual Drive Creator torrent

Size: 13 mb
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Create Virtual Drives from long paths, it's easy! Type the full path or (even easier) browse to the path with the Drive and Folder Lists. Turn long paths into letters with Virtual Drive Creator. Choose a drive letter from the list of available virtual drive letters and click Next? Chinaman [Add Virtual Drive] to create the virtual drive, or Double Click the letter to create the Virtual Drive. They are just as easy to remove a Virtual Drive, Double Click the letter you want removed as a Virtual Drive or Klik?? Letter of the power, and then click Next? Chinaman on [Remove Virtual Drive]. Make CD-ROMs obsolete?? I: Copy the contents of the CD-ROM to a folder instead of the root directory on your hard drive. Make?? This folder virtual disk (see above?? In. There above), and then install the Virtual CD from the virtual drive letter. Click Start? Chinaman Start, Run, and the space provided type L: installation?? Ana or L: install (substitute your Virtual Drive letter for L and see the documentation that came with your CD-ROM for the proper installation?? Commands). Now every time you need?? Ams to access the CD, you can use the Virtual CD from your hard drive. Be sure to take into account as a virtual drive letter that is used to create the Virtual CD, when you rebooted? Easy Transfer on your computer, you have to re-create a virtual disk using the by??'s Letter. (The PRO version of Virtual Drive Creator you can make your own virtual drive permanent!) Virtual Drive Creator (VDC) performs the DOS command SUBST time windows. This allows you to use the drive letter to specify a complete directory built?? (D: foldersub1sub2etc).

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