Tuesday, February 25, 2014

AK-Player x86 x64 Download Free

Version: 7.1
Category: Multimedia|Video|Video Players
Developer: Advanced Knack
Size: 211 Mb
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AK-PlayerAK-Player torrent

Size: 211 mb
Files: 3
Seeds 144 SeedsLeechers 56 Leechers

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Features: Video Zoom. Fast and slow Video or MP3 Run many object in the same time. Auto-play search engine. Play video, MP3, Picture

Good Good: 14Bad Bad: 5
No scripts

What is new: Can now search in (Opera, Google Chrome, Firefox) and bring watched without internet

AK-Player is a totally free media player, you can download that allows you to watch any streaming videos in sites like YouTube offline. When you watch a movie more than a record these sites, is the stream saved in Temporary Internet Files folder, which is usually hidden and hard to reach. Not only that, most of the media player does not support streaming of media formats anyway. AK-Player, on the other hand, it will look for all mappáta computer, including hidden system files Ministry, and allows you to John, without tszani by these records without having wasted bandwidth streaming you want to see all the time is. AK-Player also supports almost every media format out there. You can play multiple video files at a time, changing the volume control each open window. Another feature that allows Auto-continue and auto-play multimedia search engine and Open hidden files and system files with a quick search.

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