Thursday, January 9, 2014

Advanced Windows Optimizer 64bit [by passs] Download Free

Version: 5.11
Category: Tweak|System Tweak
Developer: GOG Software
Size: 12 Mb
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Advanced Windows OptimizerAdvanced Windows Optimizer torrent

Size: 12 mb
Files: 2
Seeds 115 SeedsLeechers 65 Leechers

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Features: Safe: Disk Cleaner uses a built-in ignore list, and will exclude many important files from being deleted. You can also add your own files to the ignore list easily, and they will not be found again The Disk cleaner utility helps you clean temp files, junk, unwanted , obsolete and unneeded files from your disks and regain disk space. You will be left with a clean drive The reason why each file is not needed will be shown by the disk cleaner unlike other disk cleaners that blindly clean files From the list of files, advanced users can open/explore any file and confirm the file is unwanted Optionally clean disk of zero length files, temporary internet files, etc Allows important folders you wish to be excluded from scanning altogether Can use wild cards Option to delete files to the recycle bin, permanently delete or backup to a folder of choice Fast - don't waste too much time, Powerful - can be customized to find your own junk file types

Good Good: 9Bad Bad: 2
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What is new: The latest version of Advanced Windows Optimizer improved Registry Cleaner and History Cleaner.

It is a remodel to make a website is a collection of award-winning Windows and optimize the speed of your system. The time dealing with that part of your file to clean most things in the development of real estate macro and browsers cache, history, and bereavement. You can also start the program automatically so that when Windows is loaded, you will find duplicate files, fix broken shortcuts and uninstall software. And built in space, which allows you to get more information, task manager and the works that are done in Arizona in the United States, then the other, in which the secure file deletion, recycle bin shredding, a garrison was placed in that fraction, and to return, file, restore the back massage Registry, remove unsafe BHOs ​​and more.

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