Thursday, January 2, 2014

010 Editor Download Free

Version: 5.0
Category: Programming|File Editors
Developer: SweetScape
Size: 12 Mb
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010 Editor010 Editor torrent

Size: 12 mb
Files: 2
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Features: View and edit any binary file on your hard drive (unlimited file size) and text files including Unicode files, C/C++ source code, etc. Unique Binary Templates technology allows you to understand any binary file format Find and fix problems with hard drives, floppy drives, memory keys, flash drives, CD-ROMs, processes etc. Import and export your binary data in a number of different formats.

Good Good: 7Bad Bad: 4
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What is new: Syntax Highlighting: Added syntax highlighting for HTML, XML and PHP. New Syntax Highlights can be created or existing Highlights modified using the Syntax page of the Options dialog. Support styles for Syntax Highlights so multiple rules can share a single color. Edit styles using the Styles page of the Options dialog. Easily modify the list of highlighted keywords for a Syntax Highlight. Support multiple rule types including Multi-Line Block, Single-Line Comment, Keywords, Single-Line Block, C-Style String, Tag Name, and Tag Attribute. Rules can be applied with Ignore Case for case insensitivity. Support multi-line C-style strings with ''. Import or export the list of Syntax Highlights including styles using the Import List or Export List buttons. Support sub-rules so that different types of syntax highlighting can be applied to the same file. Column Mode: Support Column Mode for editing the columns of text or hex data. Easily make a column selection with the mouse by holdi...

010 Editor built specifically developed as a powerful text / hex editor to edit the file, or process on your computer. With a unique Binary Templates technology, 010 Editor allows a binary file interpreted by a data structure that can be understood. The inspector easily edit data in a number of different formats. A number of sophisticated editing and analysis tools are as Find / Replace, Binary Compare, histogram, control, ASCII / EBCDIC / UNICODE conversion include / replace the files, import / export, highlighting, bookmarks, andthe pressure. A built-in expression calculator has a C syntax, and written scripts to be automatizáljáka different tasks.

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