Wednesday, November 27, 2013

IconXP Download Free

Version: 3.32
Category: Desktop Enhancements|Icons Related
Developer: Aha-soft
Size: 12 Mb
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IconXPIconXP torrent

Size: 12 mb
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Features: Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors Create and edit icons for Windows XP in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel Open and edit images in sizes up to 3000x3000 Import images in various graphic formats (ICO, ICPR, BMP, JPEG, ANI, CUR, GIF, PNG, WMF, XPM, XBM, WBMP and Adobe Photoshop PSD) directly into icons Export icon images to ICO, ICPR, BMP, JPEG, CUR, PNG, GIF, RC, XPM, XBM, WBMP and Adobe Photoshop PSD files Capture screen images Paint images with gradient and chess fill Modify images with drop shadow, smooth, rotate, grayscale, colorize, hue/saturation, roll and mirror effects Replace image colors Import and export icon color palettes Sort images inside icons Modify the default icons Windows uses to display My Computer, Recycle Bin, Internet, Start menu items, drives, shortcut and sharing overlays, system folders and other objects Customize your desktop attributes Customize your folder icons

Good Good: 13Bad Bad: 2
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What is new: Added: Color selection for Drop Shadow effect

IconXP Isa compact and powerful program that you can use to change the appearance of your desktop icons to match. You can create icons from scratch, or by importing the image file and using programs drawing tools. With this program you can create and edit icons standard or custom sizes, with color depths up to 32-bit True Color with 8-bit alpha channel. Paint tools include: color compensation, spray, color picker, brush, pencil, trimming, line tool, text tool, rectangle, ellipse, curve, 3D frame. Modifiers can also be used to color gradients and chess fills to apply. For Windows XP icons, you're cool shadow and smooth effects to add. IconXP you can import, export and change color palettes for icon images. IconXP you the standard Windows icons, folder icons to change and adapt desktop properties. You can easily replace, colorize and save the icons Windows uses to display various objects - My Computer, Recycle Bin, Internet, Start menu items, drives, system folders and your own ingredients CH. You can also hide or change shortcut overlays. There was also ordered to change the desktop icons size and color resolution, restore icons cache.

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